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I Believe In Us

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to: kendrick ~ from: crystal

dear kendrick,

well, here we are. one year and 3 months into our relationship. i am so glad we have made it this far. from day one i have known that you were different from all of the other guys i had dated. the very first night we talked you told me i was beautiful. kendrick, i had never heard that before.

we have been through so much together. like my parents not accepting our relationship because you are black. well, that doesn't matter to me, because i love you for who you are, and for who i am when i am with you. you bring out the best parts of me and you show me what it means to be truly happy and in love.

kendrick, i'll never forget the day i found out i was pregnant. it was the happiest and hardest day of my life. i was so scared to tell my family, but then when i talked to you i knew that everything was going to be okay. i realized that even if my parents didn't support me, you would.

the day i had kiara was the happiest day of my life. kendrick, when you came in the delivery room and told me that you were proud of me, it was all i could do not to cry. when i saw you holding her, i felt a love and happiness i didn't even know was possible. there were the two people that i love more than life itself.

baby, i swear i don't know what i would do without you. you mean more to me than i can say, and i hope that our relationship lasts forever and ever. i love you so much.

love always,


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